RSVP to The Next Big Nationwide March

By Jonathan Riley, Jan 29, 2017

Save the date! On April 15th, Tax Day, you and I and all of your friends are going to participate the biggest nationwide march against Trump since the wildly successful Women's March the day after his inauguration. You didn't think that whole "take-to-the-streets" business was just a one-time thing, did you? We have to keep up the momentum: this isn't a party, it's a movement.

The Women's March built solidarity among protesters with a wide range of views on every topic from reproductive rights to refugee rights. That's what we needed after the inauguration: to build a coalition to resist this dangerous new Administration.

But this Tax March will employ a different strategy. Organizers of the demonstration say they have a single demand: that Donald Trump release his tax returns. This will guarantee that the media coverage of the event will be focused on one of Trump's biggest weaknesses. The failure to release his tax returns highlights his secrecy over his unprecedented conflicts of interest -- he does business all over the world. He likely will create policies favorable to his own businesses, and as long as he hides his tax returns, we will never know how deep this corruption goes.

Trump voters overlooked the man's disgusting character flaws because they thought he was a champion for working class families. The way to break down this facade is to show that Trump is not making decisions to benefit you and your family, but rather to enrich himself. This march will highlight this fact with a laser focus on a message every citizen can understand: Donald Trump, release your tax returns!

Click here to find a Tax Day March near you and RSVP right away to help build momentum. I'll see you April 15th. This is gonna be YUGE.